martes, 24 de marzo de 2015

Knowing the world... A dream

Although I traveled little, Know a lots countries is my dream, and my country too...
Costa Rica is a country that catch my atention. His scenery are heavenly, Have a tropical weather (I hate cold temperature),  Its surrounded of a lot nature, a lot green  landscape, and the more importante his fauna is very varied and have wonderfull exotic animals.
I think that the people of this country is very happy, very relax, the studies say that the people tath live surrounded of green vegetation is more happy.

I admire of this country that is the unique country that delete his armed forces and invest this money for take care his reserve and his beautiful naturals park.
I'd like to work taking care of his animal, for example in the sloth park, or take care the monkeys, birds, turtles, etc...
Costa Rica is a interesting country for me, I love the nature, the relax life, and be sorrouned of green vegatation...

Other places that i'd like know is Nueva Zelanda, have a beutiful escenary with nature and medieval castle thay have been the inspiration for famous movies.


Bali is other heavenly scenary, is a Indonesian province with a rich culture and architecture, have a wonderfull gardens and beautiful hotels.

India is a country of lot matchs, have a funny and rich culture and varied, about religion, custom, dressed, people, food, etc. But have a rich achitecture too. I believe that this has been a impressive travel..

"Know the world and the different culture, has been a more exiting and unforgettable experiencie in all the life"

6 comentarios:

  1. hello, I like the vegetation and the animal exotic too :)

  2. In Costa Rica exist a refuge of sloths (I saw it on Animal Planet Channel). These animals are very funny, specifically the sloths of two fingers.

  3. I want to go to New Zealand too and visit Hobbiton :)

  4. I want to go to New Zealand too and visit Hobbiton :)

  5. Hi, I like the animal exotic that has Costa Rica

  6. Hi, I like the animal exotic that has Costa Rica
