jueves, 30 de julio de 2015


About the Chilean education, I Think:

In the last four years there have been very few changes. Have more scholarships and more students have access to credits guaranteed by the state. But the most are indebted for high value. Here, the price of education is same to a house.

The Chilean students still they are struggling and we must continue fighting for our rights.

Isn't possible that the Chilean students and their parents continue indebting and getting money from where they dont have to give their children that is a right.

I think the selection is ok... The university should have a reputation. Too the young people should have the right to accessible and quality education.

Owners universities continue to fill their pockets with money and those who study in state universities paid the same as a student at a private university. It's not fair if these universities are supposed to be the best and cost much be selected.

I wonder, if we paid the same as at a private university why the authorities say they do not have the resources?

I think that for start the state university should be free.

Chilean students must continue to fight.

Why do I' want to be a Vet

Your dream jobs when you were a child...

When I was child my dream was be Veterinary... But with the time i forgot it and I wanted be PDI... when i was 17 year old i was very confused and I studied Design, but i didn't like it and I remembered my love for the animals and my dream of all life... Be Veterinary


Other career options that you had:

My other option was be military in the horses area. But i dont like receive orders. So I understand that I need be independent.

What made you decide to be a vet:

I realized that I was very confused and very wrong estuding design... I felt very frustrated. So I studied Technical Veterinary and I realized that this area was my passion and it was my dream from child.

Your experience at university until now:

For me be in the university has been a nice experience, Im studing my passion and I have a lot friends. I dont like some subjets, but I know that it is part of the procces. Is very important for me that the university is a beautiful and nice pleace, have a lot nature... Because I dont like be locked and see a lot cement.

The kind of job you would like to have:

I dont know even. When I entered to the university I was sure that the horses was my area. But when you are here You realize that the range of possibilities is very big, So I dont know even. Maybe Horses, or epidemioloogy. I would like to work in a important organism of the country... Like the SAG, ISP, etc. Or PDI is a possibilitie too. I like work with big animals.