jueves, 30 de julio de 2015


About the Chilean education, I Think:

In the last four years there have been very few changes. Have more scholarships and more students have access to credits guaranteed by the state. But the most are indebted for high value. Here, the price of education is same to a house.

The Chilean students still they are struggling and we must continue fighting for our rights.

Isn't possible that the Chilean students and their parents continue indebting and getting money from where they dont have to give their children that is a right.

I think the selection is ok... The university should have a reputation. Too the young people should have the right to accessible and quality education.

Owners universities continue to fill their pockets with money and those who study in state universities paid the same as a student at a private university. It's not fair if these universities are supposed to be the best and cost much be selected.

I wonder, if we paid the same as at a private university why the authorities say they do not have the resources?

I think that for start the state university should be free.

Chilean students must continue to fight.

Why do I' want to be a Vet

Your dream jobs when you were a child...

When I was child my dream was be Veterinary... But with the time i forgot it and I wanted be PDI... when i was 17 year old i was very confused and I studied Design, but i didn't like it and I remembered my love for the animals and my dream of all life... Be Veterinary


Other career options that you had:

My other option was be military in the horses area. But i dont like receive orders. So I understand that I need be independent.

What made you decide to be a vet:

I realized that I was very confused and very wrong estuding design... I felt very frustrated. So I studied Technical Veterinary and I realized that this area was my passion and it was my dream from child.

Your experience at university until now:

For me be in the university has been a nice experience, Im studing my passion and I have a lot friends. I dont like some subjets, but I know that it is part of the procces. Is very important for me that the university is a beautiful and nice pleace, have a lot nature... Because I dont like be locked and see a lot cement.

The kind of job you would like to have:

I dont know even. When I entered to the university I was sure that the horses was my area. But when you are here You realize that the range of possibilities is very big, So I dont know even. Maybe Horses, or epidemioloogy. I would like to work in a important organism of the country... Like the SAG, ISP, etc. Or PDI is a possibilitie too. I like work with big animals.

martes, 5 de mayo de 2015

My Life's Main Events


I was born 13th March, 1990, in Puente alto, Santiago, Chile.
My mom tell me that i was born in the hall of the hospital. I think that i only wished get out. 
For this rason I love the freedom and be in open spaces :D
Was Tuesday 13th, a day that for a lot people is of bad lucky and special for make witchcraft... But I think that Im very fortunate.


In this year I started the elementary school.
Was a religious school and estudied only women.
Never a liked the school, was funny but i dont like be shut in and only in one place.
I dont like use uniform.



I started to study environment design. I study three semester.
Was a very stressful career and wasnt my vocation
I dont liked this profession and i decided to leave.
It event wasnt funny for me, take the desicion was very difficult.


I started to study Technical Veterinary. This event was very great for me. 
I discovered my real vocation.
I make good friends and be here was very funny. I have goods memories.

 In December of this year i make my first practice in the beautiful and prestigious Club de Polo y equitación San Cristobal.




This year was a very good year for me.

In March I make my second practice in Haras de Pirque.


In October i made my exam an i got 7 note of calification.
I got my Technical veterinary degree.

In November I Traveled to Cuba



I wanted train my profession and I started my studys of Medicina Veterinaria in Universidad de Chile.

jueves, 23 de abril de 2015

Timeline of Human Development

1. About 800,000 years ago, the fire was controlled by early humans.
2. About 6 million years ago most early human species became bipedal.
3. The Homo Habilis used to live in Eastern and Southern Africa.
4. About 12,000 years ago, humans managed to control the growth and breeding of some plants and animals.
5. The Sahelanthropus tchadensis is the earliest human species from the timeline.

Answer these questions:

1. What's been the role of climate change in the development of humans?

Human brain size envolved most rapidly during a time of dramatic climate change. Large, more complex brains enabled early humans of this time period to interact with each other and with their sorroundings in new and different ways. As the environment became more unpredictable, bigger brains helped our ancestors survive.

2. In your opinion, what is the most significant milestone for the human evolution? Why?

For me the more importants milestons are when stared to make simple arms, the discovery of the fire and the agriculture.
The simple arms beacuse the human started to protect his trustworthiness and to hunt animals for can eat. 
The Fire because started to cooking and has social relationship.
And the argricultura because the humans started to establish in a one place.

3. Which early human species was thought to be the first to use tools made from stone?

Australophitecus africanus and Paranthropus aethiopicus

4. Who were the first human species to travel to and live in Europe? When?

Homo heldeibergensis. About 700.000 to 200.000 years ago

5. Which species survived for the longest time? For how long?

Homo erectus. Around 2 millions years

martes, 21 de abril de 2015

My Favorite Gadget

In this day, the technology has been helpful for all the word. The information, the contacts and all is only to one click.
For me the technology is very important for the world development.
I use the computer and the phone only becuase is necessary today. I use this gadget to talk with my friends, boyfriend and family and to know information about the university, country and world.
But I feel that I am not in love with these gadgets.
In the TV with smart Tv I can use Youtube to listen to my favorite music, see movies and see videos about the subjects of the university.
Play Station is very funny and I like the "Street Fighter" game.
More funny for me is the Super Nintendo, I really love this gadget and i have one today. In this gadget i can play Super mario, but above all "Donkey Kong" This is my favorite game, with this game i can stay hours and hours playing, I love the monkeys, the levels, the music, for me it is the best game.


This was my favorite level :D

miércoles, 15 de abril de 2015

Animal Planet

Activity 1 My Favorite Dog Breed

What size dog are you interested in?

Not important

How energetic do you want your new dog to be?

A jogger

How much time can you devote to exercising your dog daily?

30 - 45 min

How often will you be able to play with your dog?

A few times a day

How affectionate would you like your dog to be?

Never leaves my side

Do you have other pets?

No. But, I plan on having my dog interact with other animals, so he needs to be friendly

How trainable would you like your dog to be?

Very trainable. I plan to teach him all the basic commands, plus a lot of fun tricks

How protective do you want your new dog to be?

Extremely protective. Im looking for a round-the-clock watchdog 

How much maitenance and grooming are you able to provide for your dog?

I want a dog that's as low maintenance as posible

What kind of temperature tolerance does your new dog need to have?

I live where it's warm during summer and cold during winter, so he needs to tolerate both warm and cold weather

Whats is your favorite dog breed's name?

Belgian Tervuren 98% match

This breeds combines elegance and strength. It is square-proportioned and of medium bone.
It is noteworthy for its exceedingly proud carriage. Its movement is lively,graceful and seemingly tireless, exhibiting an easy, effortless gait rather than a hard-driving action. It has a natural tendency to move in a circle rather than a straight line. It combines a dense undercoat with an outer coat consisting of abundant guard hairs that are long, well-fitting, straight and of medium harshness. Its expresion is intelligent and questioning.

Activity 1.2 These words appear in the dog breed questionnaire. Look for the meanings and add 5 more words that you don't know from the same questionnaire.

Sprinter: (a dog) that can run very fast in short distances 
Jogger: has a physical capacity, strength, flexibility or resistance higher than averiage for run
Breed: division of a specie (Raze)
To Hunt: search or porsue animals for catch or kill
Watchdog: guard dog
Grooming: Who tends dogs coats
Maintenance: Take care of the pet
Trainable: that have capacity for be trained
Affectionate: behaviour is affectionately 
Protective: that take care of my security
Energetic: that is hyperactive 

Activity 2  Select 2 shows that attract your atention. In two lines for each show, tell why you want to watch these shows 

Show 1: North woods Law

This show is very interesting, for maine's game wardens, each punch of the time clock is a ticket to xtreme danger. Whether they are tracking and catching dangerous poachers, investigating mysterious crimer or attempting daring and dramatic rescues, these wardens risk life and limb to safeguard people and animals within the wilderness while enforcing general state law. I love the action.

Show 2: Too Cute!

This show is very tender. I love the baby animals and see all him travesures and see like it grow. In this show you can see baby bears, baby baboons and kangaroos in to the mix. 

martes, 7 de abril de 2015

My Opinion

In this opportunity I will write my opinion about differents topics:

For example my opinion about the cellular phone is that this a advanced technology that every day is more complete, helped at the people to comunicate from very far distances or in every place that be.
But for the contrary, has decreased the direct contact between people. I dont like the poeple have the cellphone when are eating in the table with friends or family. Or in Christmas the people today dont go at the house of friends or neighbors because can yours for cellular and children dont go to street to play with friends because are in the house playing with the cell.

Legalizing Marijuana:
I wold like the legalize the marijuana... my opinion is that is a natural relaxing, the people can have a funny and nice moment. I feel that is a straight can have itself plant if is for itself consumption with responsabilty and do not hurt to others. The self cultivation is a Straight.

Recicle is very importante for the world, have a lot things that contaminate and delay millions of year in desintegrate. For example the ocean have a lot plastic and the animals (fish and birds) dead for eat it.
If we can help to the world with a little grain of sand.. Why not? Is Easy, like cut out carton, plastic and glass and give it to a person that can sell it... people the live of that, or leave it in the recicle points... For example.

Barras Bravas:
In my opinion i believe that they are destructive persons. I dont know... all people have a differentes thinking, and is very funny go at stadium to encourage a team. But i dont see the sense in kill, brake down, and other bad acts for persons that only fill the pocket with the money of the same people that dead for they..

I Think that the abortion have to legal. Nobody is owner of other body... Only you are owner of your body, nobody is obligate to have a child that dont will recieve the that need. Too if a child come with a problems, this child isnt condemned to live so. When the child have problems, the parent when are old, suffer, because dont can leave to him sons alone.
The abortion inst a contraceptive method, because isnt a game, but think that is valid method in a xtreme case.